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What is the PAS Framework and How it Can Help you Write Better Copy!

In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention spans have decreased significantly, and if you want your copy to stand out, you need to capture the reader’s attention instantly.

That’s where the PAS framework comes in. PAS stands for Problem-Agitate-Solution, and this framework is the key to writing copy that’s both efficient and effective.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into the three stages of the PAS framework, explaining how each stage works, and the importance of using it in your business.

We’ll also provide examples of successful copywriting strategies, showing you how you can use PAS to achieve your marketing goals, whether you’re a business owner or an affiliate.

By the end of this blog, you’ll have all the tools you need to write compelling copy that drives conversions and boosts your bottom line!

Introduction to PAS Framework

The PAS framework, just like the AIDA Framework is an effective copywriting formula for copywriting in various mediums.

It is a simple and persuasive way to structure marketing copy that every writer should know. The three components of the framework – Problem, Agitation, and Solution.

The framework is often used by marketers to produce engaging copy to turn readers into customers.

The PAS framework can be adapted for other forms of writing such as social media, website copies, blogs, email marketing and landing pages.

The beauty of this framework lies in its efficiency and effectiveness. Every copywriter should master the PAS framework to unlock the power of effective copywriting.

The 3 stages of the PAS Framework


In this stage, the individual is presented with a problem or a challenge.

The aim is to grab the individual’s attention and make them aware of the issue.

The problem should be presented in a way that is relevant to the individual and makes them feel that they need to take action.


Once the individual is aware of the problem, the next stage is to agitate them.

This involves highlighting the consequences of not taking action and the negative impact the problem can have on their life.

The aim is to create an emotional response that will motivate the individual to take action.


In the final stage, the individual is presented with a solution to the problem.

This could be a product, service, or call to action.

The solution should be presented in a way that is easy to understand, and it should be clear how it can help the individual overcome the problem.

The aim is to encourage the individual to take action and implement the solution.

Deep Diving into the 3 Stages of PAS

Stage 1 – The Problem Stage

Identify the problem

The first stage in the PAS Framework for efficient copywriting is the Problem Stage, which involves identifying the specific problem that your target audience is facing.

This is a crucial step in writing effective copy, as it allows you to tailor your messaging to address the specific needs and concerns of your audience.

Understanding your audience’s problem allows you to write content that talks directly to their pain spots, portraying your product or service as the answer they require.

Whether you’re writing a blog post, an email campaign, or a product description, taking the time to identify the problem at hand is essential for creating copy that resonates with your audience and drives results.

Focusing on the consequences of not solving the problem

This involves highlighting the consequences of not solving the problem and emphasizing the negative outcomes that could result.

You may generate a feeling of urgency and emphasise the significance of finding a solution by clearly articulating the potential consequences of inactivity.

To effectively use the Problem Stage in your copywriting, it’s important to think about the specific consequences that your audience might face if they don’t address their problem.

You may assist to engage your readers and motivate them to take action by emphasising these implications in a clear and convincing manner.

Finally, the Problem Stage may be used to create rapport and persuade your audience to take action in order to solve their problem.

Stage 2 – The Agitate Stage

In the PAS Framework, the Agitate stage deals with identifying and agitating the customer’s pain points. Once they’re convinced they’re suffering from the problem you’ve identified, you can offer them a solution.

The need to create a stir

The marketer “agitates” the problem that the reader is already facing and adds salt to the wound to further frustrate and evoke strong emotion in the reader.

To do this effectively, copywriters need to tap into the readers’ emotions and create a connection with them.

When readers are emotionally invested in a topic, they are more likely to take action, whether that means subscribing to a newsletter or making a purchase.

Creating a sense of urgency is also important in this stage, as readers need to feel compelled to take action immediately.

Copywriters can achieve this by highlighting potential problems or pain points that readers may be experiencing and offering solutions to those issues.

At its core, the Agitate Stage is all about evoking emotions, piquing interest, and motivating readers to take action.

Copywriters may generate more effective and efficient copy that resonates with their target audience by using this strategy.

The Agitate Stage: Why It’s Necessary

The Agitate Stage increases the reader’s interest in what you have to offer by arousing their curiosity.

Creating desire helps to build a connection between the reader and your product, service, or idea.

Overall, the Agitate Stage is an important component of the PAS Framework that can help you write more effective copy that engages your readers and inspires action.

So whether you’re writing a sales page, an email, or a social media post, be sure to incorporate the Agitate Stage to generate interest, desire, and urgency in your audience.

Stage 3 – The Solution Stage

In the third stage of the PAS framework, the focus shifts to providing solutions for the problem identified in the previous stage. This is where the copywriter presents their product or service as the perfect solution to the customer’s needs.

Write Solutions for the Problem

The third stage of the PAS framework is the solution stage. This step involves writing solutions for the problem you have identified and agitated in the previous steps.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when writing solutions for the problem.

First, make sure you show how your product or service solves the identified problem.

Second, be clear about what the customer benefits from using your product or service.

Finally, explain how your product or service can help solve other problems that customers may have.

Why should you use PAS as a business owner?

You should use the PAS framework as a business owner because it helps you to create more effective and persuasive marketing messages.

You may better connect with your audience and express the benefits of your product or service by using the Problem-Agitate-Solution formula.

This, in turn, can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

This framework is foolproof for all types of copywriting, from web pages to blogs and social media posts.

PAS may raise emotions in readers by properly detailing difficulties and conveying the urgency of a situation.

It is especially useful for nonprofits looking to make a significant impact in addressing urgent issues.

Why should you use PAS as an affiliate?

As an affiliate, your goal is to promote a product or service and encourage your audience to take action, whether it’s making a purchase or signing up for a free trial. The PAS framework can be a valuable tool in achieving this goal.

With the PAS formula, you may develop convincing content that addresses your audience’s pain areas and delivers a compelling solution.

This can increase the chances of your audience taking action, ultimately leading to higher conversions and commissions for you as an affiliate.

Moreover, PAS is the best way to help differentiate you from other affiliates who may be promoting the same product or service but not using an effective sales strategy.

When you stand out with your persuasive content, you can attract more potential buyers and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your niche.

Examples Using the PAS Framework

1. PAS for an AI App that Helps People manage their finances.


Managing personal finances can be challenging and overwhelming for many people.

It requires keeping track of multiple expenses, bills, and payments, which can be time-consuming and stressful.

This can lead to disorganization, confusion, and even financial difficulties.


“Are you struggling to manage your personal finances effectively?”

“Do you find yourself overwhelmed with the number of bills, expenses, and payments you have to keep track of?”

“Are you tired of feeling disorganized and stressed when it comes to your finances?”


“Introducing the AI-powered finance management app, the ultimate solution to all your financial woes.”

“This cutting-edge app is designed to help you take control of your finances and manage them with ease.”

“With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, you can easily track your expenses, set budgets, and make payments in just a few clicks.”

“The app uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze your spending habits and provides personalized recommendations to help you save money and achieve your financial goals.”

“It also alerts you of upcoming bills and payments, so you never miss a due date again.”

“With this app, you can say goodbye to financial stress and hello to financial freedom.”

“Try it now and experience the power of AI for personal finance management today!”

2. An App for Musicians to Showcase Their Talent.


Musicians often struggle to gain visibility for their talents and reach a wider audience.

Traditional methods of promotion like playing gigs or sending demo tapes can be limiting and ineffective.


“Do you feel like your musical talents are being overlooked?”

“Are you tired of trying to get gigs or sending demo tapes to record labels with no success?”

“Do you want to break through the noise and make a name for yourself in the industry?”


“Our app provides an innovative platform for musicians to share their talents with a global audience.”

“You can create a profile, upload your music, and connect with fans and other musicians in the community.”

“Our app offers a seamless user experience, allowing you to share your music easily and get discovered by potential fans, record labels, and other industry professionals.”


In conclusion, the PAS framework is a useful writing formula for any copywriter who wants to create content that resonates with their target audience.

By understanding the three stages – Problem, Agitate, and Solution – and using them to guide your writing, you can create any piece of copy that engages readers and motivates them to take action.

Whether you are a business owner or an affiliate, the PAS framework can help you create effective copy that converts.